Find out the motives, tastes, and preferences behind your clients’, employees’, providers’, competitors’ decision-making processes.
It’s not just any old thing.
Imagine having access to valuable information that can help your company make tactical decisions or develop strategies that, up to now, haven’t been possible.
We are the only company in the world to use magnetoencephalography (MEG) for the study of cerebral activities and apply it to the world of business.
We analyze brain stimuli, exclusively in conjunction with one of the most prestigious research centers in the world: the Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience Lab, part of the Center for Biomedical Medicine CTB at the Universidad Politecnica in Madrid.
We accompany your business in processing exclusive knowledge, in the comprehension and identification of the meaning that things have for people, be it products, brands, prices…
… And we do it with 100% scientific validity.
All of our work has a firm scientific basis. We won’t sign off on any report if the parameters and criteria used do not comply with standards accepted by the international scientific community.
Our services add value to your company.
We bring innovation to companies dedicated to obtaining a true vision of their present situation, to finding out – without a shadow of a doubt – how they are perceived, and if the image they are transmitting is fully in line with their goals. It makes a difference.
Nearly two decades of experience in the use of MEG in medical research has brought us to believe that we can obtain revolutionary results as compared to traditional research methods.
We base our results on facts, not on intuition.