Packaging analysis


We investigate the actual compatibility of packaging in consumers’ minds


Product presentation is becoming more and more important in consumer perception. It is the initial communication with customers at the point of sale.


And that’s not all.

  • It helps showcase the value of the product customers will find inside
  • It makes your product unique and different to that of your competitors
  • It represents the brand: it reflects your company’s attitudes and values


We research and analyse the actual reaction of consumers’ brains to different packaging, always backed by scientifically-proven results.


Before starting production, we develop packaging tests on samples of potential customers, who are given different visual stimuli involving a range of product presentations.


Finally we analyse what potential customers think about the different options, until we find the packaging version that triggers the strongest urge to buy.


Here you will find everything you need to stand out from the rest.

Product Development Services
  • Análisis de Campañas Publicitarias
    Advertising Campaign Analysis
  • Análisis de Producto en Punto de Venta
    Point-of-Sale Product Analysis
  • Investigamos la compatibilidad real del embalaje en la mente del consumidor
    Packaging Analysis

Brainvestigations is the Value of Science Applied to Your Company

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